Friday, October 10, 2008

The website is finally up!!!

I'm finally finished with the new website. HTML has a steep learning curve it would turn out. Also this blog was reported for a TOS violation, which I have absolutely no idea how one sentence about me photo shopping buttons could possibly violate anything. But it all comes out in the wash right, I'm back and undeterred.
As the Walpurgisnacht/Samhain/Halloween/Dia de los Muertos/All Saints Day fast approaches spirit activity usually experiences an up-tick. So it's a good time to keep an eye out for phenomena that might have been harder to observe during the spring and summer months. Typically if you did some remodeling during the summer now is the time when the spirits in your home will voice their opinion on your handywork. Also the awesome fall weather is finally here. I almost forgot how much I missed the sound of leaves blowing across the yard in the wind, and the smells they carry with them. Then there's also the pumpkins...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

New blog for the new website!

Well, here it is the first post on the new blog which will be linked to the new website when I get the time to finish photo shopping buttons and such. I'm totally new to the whole blogging thing, but I'll try to keep it interesting and current.